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Leveraging AI for your needs

AI knowledge

The practical application of AI is transforming industries, lowering costs and driving increased value and customer engagement.

To realize the value from AI, you need expertise and capabilities across a range of areas including technology choice, implementation, security and performance. AI is a complex and rapidly evolving area and Quinridge provides the depth of knowledge to guide you not just in the implementation but in the areas of data regulation and the legal implications of using AI-based systems.

Quinridge have a team of experienced AI experts who can help understand your business domain and design and implement cost effective AI solutions to solve real-world problems.

We demystify what AI can and cannot do, and help your team understand the value and risks, defining the capabilities needed for your organization to adopt and scale AI. Then we'll work with you to incorporate these designs into your business plans or funding proposals and demonstrate your return on investment in AI.

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Sector Expertise

AI now forms a key enabling factor across many industry sectors. We have direct experience working with clients in multiple industrial and technical sectors

  • Entertainment - AI has transformed how we play games and watch online content. Whether sitting in a coffee shop, at home, or on the go, AI is making how we play games and consume content more experiential and personalized
  • Smart home - AI is powering innovative new functionality in the home. Everyday activities such as home security monitoring, unlocking doors, food shopping and baby monitoring become easier and more convenient with AI
  • Manufacturing - AI helps manufacturers build products with lower cost, higher quality and on a safer factory floor
  • Automotive - AI enables drivers to safely and efficiently get from A to B. Emerging AI applications include driver alertness warnings, detection of children or pets left in the car after the driver has exited, smart reversing cameras, load movement in shipping containers

You can apply AI techniques and functionality like computer vision, speech recognition, automated chatbot or almost any other machine learning functionality into your products, making them smart.

Deep Learning and Data Analytics

Unlock the value in your data by deploying AI systems that improve business KPIs like customer retention and monthly average revenue or sales conversion rates. We can help you build a solid foundation for an AI backed Data Strategy, using state of the art cloud based Machine Learning systems that scale.

Machine learning lets you discover hidden insights from your data and opens up sophisticated use cases like recommendations systems, real-time natural language processing, text mining, real-time analytics, large-scale anomaly detection and business forecasting.

We can also help you navigate regulation such as GDPR and data privacy issues, and suggest best practices for data security, robust data storage and effective data management processes.

We combine Artificial Intelligence with deep industry and analytics expertise to help you build business changing AI based data centric applications.

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